Coalition Success
The Highway 23 Coalition was created to transform the transportation system from the northeast corner in Duluth, Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin to the southwest corner in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. At the beginning, we knew this was a project for the next generation; years of work to improve the safety and foster industry as well as economic growth. Each year brings new funding, traffic studies and a dedicated membership with one shared mission.
Four-Lane Gap Funding
Secured $105 million in Corridors of Commerce funding for two four-lane gaps between New London and Richmond, totaling 16 miles.
Highway 23 from New London to Richmond will be constructed in a two year period starting in 2022 and concluding the project at the end of 2023. This 2-lane to 4-lane expansion project will address performance, mobility and safety concerns along the corridor. With improvement of travel and safety, we anticipate a positive economic impact to new and existing businesses along this 9 mile stretch.

Project Funding Secured
Secured $1.2 million in Congressionally Directed and Community Designated Spending Award funding for Bel Clare Drive J-Turn Priority Project in Fiscal Year 2024
The Highway 23 Coalition was awarded $1.2M of the $1.5M project in Congressionally Directed and Community Designated Spending for design engineering and construction activities to advance the Bel Clare Drive Intersection Improvement Project in the City of Waite Park, Minnesota. This project supports the needs and future transportation investments identified in Southwest Beltline Corridor Study and serving a large growth area in the St. Cloud metropolitan area. Preliminary and final designing will occur from June 2024 to February 2025. Project construction is projects for May to October 2025.
Traffic Studies
Provided support for traffic studies and work to implement transportation safety infrastructure along the corridor.
The Highway 23 Coalition was supportive, talked with the Consultant CPCS, and commented on the District 8 Freight Plan that was completed in December 2020. This District 8 Freight Plan focused on the district’s need for farming and manufacturing agricultural products. Highway 23 plays an integral role in this district related to the agricultural industry. The number of skilled workforce, agricultural output, market changes and internal trade regulations have an economic impact on District 8. As a result of this traffic study, the Minnesota Department of Transportation gathered information on the demand from the transportation system for multimodal freight, local industries as well as the needs and issues of the current system.

Our Membership
Built current membership to include 12 counties, 15 cities, 9 non-profits and over 60 businesses.
Our membership is what allows the work of Highway 23 Coalition to be carried out. We have worked hard to connect with businesses, organizations and individuals all along the corridor as well as throughout the state to ensure that they have an understanding of the positive impact that a 4-lane Highway 23 will have on our state and our region. We are very proud of the membership that has been built and appreciate the dedication these entities have extended to the cause.