West Central Tribune / Shelby Lindrud on October 12, 2019
WILLMAR — … [two] bonding requests heard by the committee during the tour Tuesday came from Kandiyohi County and Ridgewater College.
Kandiyohi County is looking for $3.9 million — half the cost of building a bridge over two BNSF railroad tracks, including the future Willmar Wye bypass track, near the intersection of County Road 55, County Road 5/15 and state Highway 23. The project also includes roadwork that would create an intersection that is safer and easier to navigate for traffic. See related story here.
Kandiyohi County will be providing the second half of the funding with revenue being raised by the local option sales tax the County Board approved in 2017. The total project is estimated to cost $7.8 million.
“What we are trying to solve is something we feel very strongly needs to be corrected, for efficient movement of product and the least driver confusion,” said Mel Odens, Kandiyohi County public works director.