It’s our pleasure to invite you to the Highway 23 Gaps Groundbreaking Celebration on Friday, May 6th, 2022 at 11:00am!

4 Lanes for You - Progress
We’re so pleased to see progress on the Highway 23 North Gap. The North Gap is a nine mile stretch of the Minnesota Highway 23 Corridor that runs from Stearns County Road 33 in Paynesville to Highway 22/Grant Avenue Southwest in Richmond.
Expanding the now two lane highway into a four lane highway will enhance safety and increase capacity for those traveling in and around the area.
Join in the Celebration
Join the Celebration Planning and Hosting Team as we celebrate these improvements with a groundbreaking ceremony!
- When: Friday, May 6th, 2022 at 11:00am
- Where: Roadside Tavern Banquet Hall, 531 Main Street, Roscoe, MN 56371
- RSVP: Please confirm if you will be attending by April 25 to [email protected]
The Celebration Planning and Hosting Team consists of the following:
- Highway 23 Coalition
- Kandiyohi County
- Stearns County
- Mathiowetz Construction
- Minnesota Department of Transportation
A Message from the Minnesota Department of Transportation
“Highway 23 Gaps Expansion Project
Highway 23 is an important interregional corridor and a key artery for Minnesota’s economy. The segment of Highway 23 between Willmar and I-94 is about 53 miles long and is the primary east-west route connecting Willmar to Interstate 94 and beyond. Of these 53 miles, all but two sections (totaling 16 miles) have been constructed as four-lane roadway; these two sections of current two-lane are known as the “Gaps.” The northern nine-mile section is referred to as the North Gap and the southern seven-mile section is referred to as the South Gap.
Construction begins this year on the three-year expansion project, funded by the Corridors of Commerce program. MnDOT will reconstruct and expand nine miles of Highway 23 to four lanes, from Stearns County Road 33 in Paynesville to Highway 22/Grant Avenue Southwest in Richmond. This segment, the North Gap, will be under construction from 2022 through 2023.
In addition to the North Gap, the South Gap expansion of Highway 23 to four lanes from New London to Paynesville is scheduled for construction from early 2023 through 2024. When the North Gap and South Gap sections are both complete, Highway 23 travelers will be able to experience continuous four-lane travel from Willmar to Foley.
Expanding Highway 23 from two to four lanes will provide additional capacity, improve the movement of freight, and enhance roadway safety. Learn more about the Hwy 23 Gaps Expansion project at the MnDOT project website.
On behalf of the Highway 23 North Gap Groundbreaking Celebration Team,”
Sandra Schlagel
Public Affairs Coordinator | District 8
Minnesota Department of Transportation
2505 Transportation Road
Willmar, MN 56201
O: 320.214.6362
C: 320.212.0067