A quorum for the Highway 23 Coalition general membership is at least 10% of the voting members at the annual meeting.
Per the Bylaws, Section 3.2. Each member of the Coalition receives one vote. To be a member in good standing of the Coalition, the entity or person shall have provided the appropriate membership funds to the Fiscal Agent of the Coalition.
Pursuant to Section 4.1 of the Bylaws, the Board of Directors shall have representatives from three regions—the St. Cloud Region (defined as Benton, Kanabec, Mille Lacs and Pine Counties), the Willmar Region (defined as Chippewa, Kandiyohi and Renville Counties) and the Marshall Region (defined as Lincoln, Lyon, Pipestone, Rock and Yellow Medicine Counties). Each region shall have at least one government and two business representatives on the Board and may have one additional member on the Board.
Following are current board members whose terms expire this year and who are willing to be re-elected to another three-year term:
Candidate | Region Represented | Current Term Expires | New Term |
Jason Duininck | Willmar (business) | June 2023 | June 2023-June 2026 |
Joseph Perske | St. Cloud (government) | June 2023 | June 2023-June 2026 |
Candidate Biographies

Jason Duininck is the Director of Business Development for Duininck, Inc., a third-generation, family-owned business. Duininck helps golf course superintendents, government contractors, private contractors and consulting firms connect with the construction provider. In addition to the Highway 23 Coalition, Jason serves on the WCCEO Board and sits on the Willmar Housing Trust Coalition.

Joseph (Joe) Perske is presently a Stearns County Commissioner. He was born in St. Cloud and grew up in the area graduating from St. Cloud Apollo in 1974, St. John’s University, Collegeville in 1979 and obtained his Master’s Degree from SCSU in 1995. Joe taught for more than 35 years as an elementary and physical education teacher in Onamia, Augsburg, Germany, Avon and Sartell. He served on the Sartell City Council, was Mayor of Sartell, and ran for Minnesota Congressional House District 6 in 2014 before becoming a county commissioner. He is married to his wife, Jan and has three adult daughters.